How do I write a business proposal?


A business proposal is a formal document created with the purpose of securing a project or some funds. It is also used to sell a product or service and to persuade your client to accept proposed changes. 


Essential sections of a business proposal include:

  • Introduction – describe the current situation and problem
  • Plan of work – explain how you will solve the problem mentioned in the introduction
  • Budget – provide an estimation of project costs (materials, employee salaries, rent, legal fees)
  • Timeline or schedule for work to be done – provide details regarding the completion date of each stage of the project
  • Counter argument for possible opposition – argue why the benefits of the project outweigh the oppositions
  • Conclusion – restate the benefits of your proposal
  • Last Updated Apr 30, 2024
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Library Torrens

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